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Flu Symptoms - They start suddenly and occur simultaneously

Almost all doctors agree that flu is one of the most severe viral respiratory diseases. Find out which virus causes the flu and what its symptoms are. 

Flu - a viral disease 

The flu is caused by a virus from the family called Influenza viridae. Because of this, the term "influenza" is becoming more common, even outside medical terminology, instead of "flu." 

There are several types of viruses, and they are labeled with capital letters - A, B, C. Subtypes are further marked with numbers (e.g., H3). 

Flu symptoms 

Most parents can recognize the symptoms of a viral infection, especially those with preschool and school-age children who are more exposed to viruses due to their group environments. However, this doesn't mean that the symptoms are any less concerning. 

Characteristic of the flu symptoms is that they appear suddenly and almost simultaneously, unlike a cold, where they come gradually. 

At the onset of the illness, the child usually becomes quiet, moody, and loses their playfulness. They may experience a rise in temperature, fatigue, headache, body aches, runny or stuffy nose, cough, and loss of appetite. Stomach problems like diarrhea and vomiting are also common in children. 

The symptoms of flu in adults are similar - high fever, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, exhaustion, coughing, stuffy nose, weakness, disorientation, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. 

High fever - one of the first symptoms of the flu 

When it appears as a symptom of the flu, the temperature can often be high. It is not uncommon for it to go above 40°C, especially in children during the first three days of the flu. 

Cough and runny nose 

The direct action of the virus on the nose and throat, as well as the trachea, causes a cough and runny nose. The increased secretion of mucus in the respiratory organs is the body's defense against the virus. These flu symptoms are hard to bear, especially if the cough persists continuously, and the nose is congested

Poor general condition 

With a common cold, it is typical for a child to feel better and for their general condition to improve rapidly as soon as their temperature drops. However, this is not the case when a child is sick with the flu. Poor general condition is especially noticeable in the first few days of the illness. 

Loss of appetite 

Children often refuse to eat when they are sick. As advised by doctors, it is not necessary to force a child to eat in such cases. The problem arises if the child refuses to drink. High fever can lead to significant fluid loss from the body. The problem worsens if the child is vomiting and/or has diarrhea. If the child does not consume enough fluids, it can lead to dehydration. 

Body aches 

Aches are common symptoms of the flu. Headaches, as well as bone and muscle pains, are common. Children often complain of body aches. 

Rest and increased fluid and vitamin intake 

As with other viral infections, antibiotics are not prescribed for the flu. Rest and increased fluid intake are recommended for the flu. It is necessary to lower high temperatures when they exceed 38.5°C. 

Viranto Forte, a syrup for children containing pelargonium, is recommended for the flu, cold, cough, sore throat, and upper respiratory tract inflammation. 

Viranto Adults, capsules for adults and children over 12, are recommended for the flu, cold, cough, sore throat, and upper respiratory tract inflammation. 

The products are best used as soon as possible, preferably within the first two hours of flu symptoms appearing. 

The flu is highly contagious 

Children who attend group settings such as kindergartens and schools are particularly susceptible to infection. If one child is infected, they can easily spread the virus to other children through coughing and sneezing. 

Since the virus is transmitted through droplets, a healthy child is likely to get infected by inhaling air containing droplets expelled by an infected child. 

The virus can also be transmitted by touching objects or surfaces contaminated with nasal secretions from another infected child. Thus, the virus can be transferred from child to child through shared eating utensils, dishes, rattles, toys, etc. 

The incubation period, from the moment of infection to the onset of flu symptoms, lasts one to three days. 

The importance of immunity 

Despite being exposed to the virus, a strong immune system can protect a child from getting sick with the flu. 

In addition to a healthy diet, recommended daily physical activity, and good sleep, which are the foundations for a child's good immunity, immune-supporting products containing natural active ingredients are recommended, such as Bimunal Imuno syrup

Thanks to its highest-quality combination of natural ingredients, Bimunal Imuno is recommended for continuous use. 

It is advised to use it during the virus season, after using antibiotics, before children start attending kindergarten or school, and during the periods when children are in group settings during seasonal infections. 

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